Mandir Closed At 12 noon to 2 pm --- Annadan Every thrusday and Monday Evening --- Amitji Available Every Saturday and Sunday.

NOTE: The Original certificate given by the Shirdi Sai Sansthan Trust was in Hindi but as to make it more readable and understandable, this certificate was also translated in English.

Click here to view the certificate

Devotees Can Contact AmitJi at The Below Phone Number and Email Addresses
E-mail :
Phone : +91 9800500014 (Please call this new number arrow +91 9091335151 / +91 9733665151) (What's App)
Devotees Abroad Can Our Shibpur Representatives In The USA :
Mr. Aditya : + 1 (732)-9396545 USA (Mobile & What's App)
Ms. Jayasree,: +447861 997799 UK (Mobile & What's App)