Mandir Closed At 12 noon to 2 pm --- Annadan Every thrusday and Monday Evening --- Amitji Available Every Saturday and Sunday.

Once a SAI Devotee named Amit Kumar Biswas, a resident of Krishnanagar West Bengal, had this wonderful dream of Shri Sai Baba. Sai Baba ordered him in this dream to construct a temple and that he will arrange all the means to get this temple constructed. Amitji narrated his dream like this – “I saw in my dreams a bright illumination of lights as if thousands of neon lamps were lit. I was bewildered! Then, I heard a voice saying-“I am Sai Baba, your great grandfather Ramdas Biswas used to worship me in this temple every day for hours together. I was very happy with him. After his demise there is no puja. This place has become a jungle. I am longing for devotion and Puja here once again." Then Sai Baba continued saying the following things in the dream -

1.I order you to construct my temple and offer me puja every day.

2.Whoever stands near this Neem tree will feel my presence here. The Tree will remove all his sins.

3.For the construction of this temple I will be present to perform my work.The temple construction work should not stop.

4.None other than my Real Devotee will be able to donate for this temple.

5.Whoever comes to this temple with full devotion and has my darshan will get all his/her wishes fulfilled.

As per Shri Sai Baba’s Orders, A Sai temple is being built in this remote village called Shibpur in Nadia District, West Bengal, India. The Nadia Shibpur Sai Sadguru Samity was setup in 2003 for constructing the temple and working towards the upliftment of the poor in the area. Please read more about the History of the temple and its activities.
Devotees Can Contact AmitJi at The Below Phone Number and Email Addresses
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Devotees Abroad Can Our Shibpur Representatives In
Mr. Aditya : + 1 (732)-9396545 USA (Mobile & What's App)
Ms. Jayasree,: +447861 997799 UK (Mobile & What's App)